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Old 22-04-2016, 18:32   #285
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

But the politicians in Scotland want us to remain...and they have hinted( I don't know if they have come right out and said it) that they will have another referendum to split from England and apply to join the EU, because if we leave(unlikely) then they will be taken out of the EU with us...and they want to stay.

I trawl through lots of information from many different sources to make sense of things...but I can't honestly say i have found anything that makes me consider voting to remain in the EU.
A lot of the information is pure conjecture on what MIGHT happen if we leave....because no-one really knows for sure.
The fact that people from other member states want(although the politicians will not tell you this...they have a vested interest in states staying in) to leave suggests that the lifespan of this experiment is coming to a conclusion.

It is an an undemocratic organisation.
We promote democracy in countries where there has been none, yet we accept the undemocratic rule of this hypocritical is that.

It is known that democratic nations rarely fight wars...they choose to buy goods or products rather than take them by force...and yet we want to remain in an undemocratic organisation that is looking for ever closer political union( because without political union, there can be no real or lasting fiscal union )....yet we have no say on those who make the rules.

I know I am repeating myself, but we need to be OUT and making our own way in the world.
The EU is like an abusive takes your self esteem, it takes your money, it takes your confidence to act on your own controls you and gives you nothing of value in return.
Here ends the political Broadcast on Behalf of the LEAVE party.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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