Re: Blackburn road - in front of town hall.
Leaving aside the thorny issue of the trees(I haven't seen the report, but would not trust it if I had). I reckon those who were asked to provide the report were in cahoots with those who want this daft project to go ahead and providing a report that confirms that the trees need to be chopped would give validity to them being chopped a cost of course
This development seems to be wanted by no one. Will cost 3 million quid...half of which is coming from the public purse(at a time when services are being pruned to death).
The square is going to do nothing for the town. The council are not planning any events once it is a reality. They want any organised events to be community driven.
So we are paying a lot of money for a dead space. What is, in effect a 'vanity project'
Accrington has very little to be vain about.
Have any community organisations asked for space for events? Will this proposed development bring people into the town? Will it improve the environment in the town?
My considered opinion is. It won't.
It is not what is needed. It is not what is wanted and it is too damned expensive.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 03-02-2017 at 07:03.