Re: Accrington is Dead!
Yes, young folk are always going to want to be seen as 'grown up'.
Legalising drugs would not(in my opinion) sort out the current situation.
Yes, those running the drug gangs might be deprived of an income....except they would not.
I think the government would apply a tax to any legalised drugs.
Drug gangs would ply their trade minus the would still be ahead of the game.
Every week you can see people who have been prosecuted for the sale of untaxed fags, baccy and booze.
Drugs would be no different...except perhaps there is little motivation by the police to chase drug dealers now, so I don't reckon it would be much different if they were legal and taxed.
I know, I know...I am a bloody old cynic.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)