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Old 26-10-2018, 09:36   #24
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Should we change history for political correctness

Today I read that Emily Dawes, the Feminist, vegan president of the Students Union of Southampton University wants to remove the Mural in the senate room of the University, that was painted by Sir Willian Rotherstein in 1916. This painting is showing the unknown soldier being conferred with an honorary degree.
It denotes all of those men who left university to fight in World War One.
What is her beef about this picture?
Well, it is showing only men and they are all (shock, horror) WHITE MEN.
Now this women is from Virginia in the good old US of A.....she says that if the picture is not taken down, the she would take steps to paint over it.

I thought that the universities in this country were places of learning and were populated by people who were the cream of the intelligentsia crop.
Emily Dawes herself is a student of no intellectual slouch.
However she fails to recognise that at the time of was mainly white males who went out and fought for the freedoms that she now enjoys....that many of those who went out to fight for those freedoms made the ultimate sacrifice and paid with their lives.

She has since made a lukewarm apology for her ill considered and thoughtless comments.
We cannot(however much we might like to....and I am not sure that I would like to) change our past....we can only(if we are wise) learn from it.
Someone needs to tell her that her mind is SO open, she is in danger of her brain falling out.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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