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Old 27-01-2019, 18:08   #8
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Robinson's Fever Cure

Originally Posted by pifco View Post
Yes Margaret I remember bottles we used to get from Thornber's and they used to just have a hand written label. But when I left school was an apprentice printer and one of the first jobs I had to set was a label for some mixture for Emrick Eccles in Union Road I forget the full name of the concoction but it was something Balsalm. I remember the job mainly because I thought the chemist was called Henry Kettles and when the boss saw the proof he bust out laughing.
Maybe the labels were for Friars Balsam....the proper name for this is Compound Tincture of Benzoin....but everyone knew it as Friars Balsam.

I have used this many many times in my a Nelson's inhaler with hot water. Then inhaled....excellent for clearing mucus from chests...used after surgery....and for patients with bronchitis....a dark runny treacle consistency
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