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Old 27-01-2019, 18:37   #9

Re: Robinson's Fever Cure

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Maybe that is the modern name for this cough mixture.
Your Robinsons Fever you describe the appearance and the taste, sounds much more like a cough medicine.
And this trade name Robi (from the Robinson name) tussin is the Latin word for cough...whooping cough is medically called maybe that is the answer....but only an educated guess.
I don't know about the UK's choices, but I don't think Robitussin comes with the "Jaegermeister" flavor. Vick's formula 44 does, but that came into existence in the U.S. in the 1960s or 1970s.

I am fairly certain that the name was "Robinson's", but I don't recall the rest of the name. My sister told me "fever cure", but I think she got Mum's two bottles mixed up.
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