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Old 28-01-2019, 00:34   #12

Re: Robinson's Fever Cure

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well, I know that Robitussin has a few flavours, but back in the 50's which is when you are talking about....cough mixture was invariably brown and gloopy....or a terrible red artificial cherry flavour.
You were meant to hold your nose and swallow it....if you complained you were told that it had to taste bad to do you good.
Never really got that concept....well, yes perhaps I did.
I actually liked Chlorodyne....and was once found under the stairs at my grandmas having slurped a goodly amount.
I only did it once.....I was given salt water to drink to make me sick it up
The Robinson's, or whatever, was given to us circa 1950. I remember it because I loved the flavor, so I kind of doubt it was the nasty "fever cure". We emigrated to the U.S. in the mid-1950s, and I always thought about that flavor but could not find it until Jägermeister became popular in the U.S. in the 1980s.

It is looking more-and-more as if it may have been a local concoction sold by a chemist in the Accy area.
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