Thread: Sean Mc
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Old 24-04-2019, 17:04   #1219
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Re: Sean Mc

Originally Posted by Lord Stiffupperlip View Post
O.f.f.s. Accymad - jumping to the wrong conclusion as usual.
If you ever bother to read any of my posts over the past seasons you'll find I've praised Sean more than I've criticised. Blimey! I even wrote a song about him.
Before you get yourself in a lather, I was celebrating the difference that Smyth was making to our attack.
In case you didn't notice, he 'assisted' the goal for McConville.
But then we all know there's only one player in the Stanley team as far as you are concerned - Super Sean did it all by himself
By the way, who scored the second goal?
In that case Lord S, I shall take your comment in the way it was intended & apologise for jumpng to conclusions (no need for swearing though, unless f.f.s. means something different in upper circles )
I know I seem to leap to Sean's defence easily but sometimes I just get fed up of all the stick he generates often without substance & no, I don't think he does it all by himself but he does a damn sight more than some give him credit for
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