Thread: the NHS?
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Old 01-04-2022, 12:36   #3
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: the NHS?

i went back to my docs at 12-00 to be told its a waste of time i should not have been there, the receptionist had given me the wrong information! so i had been for nowt.the guy who was on gave me 3 phone numbers to ring for wax removal he also said docs no longer do it now. none of the 3 are in accy i have another hospital appointment on 19th of april so the soonest i got was 9th of may so i rang blackburn hospital to tell them and got a recorded message saying leave your details and they will ring back nobody is there to take the call, what the hell is going on i ask myself?they will ring me back, so i have to stay in until they do.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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