Thread: Net Stupid….
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Old 02-04-2022, 17:17   #24
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Net Stupid….

Many years ago we went for a day in Bangor (cue the song it was a hit around that time)

While we were there my missus went to a corner shop for something, there were a few Welsh 'ladies' already there when she went in they were talking English but, to make her feel welcome they changed to welsh.

Now, my ex comes from southern Ireland where they speak Gaelic and it seems is very similar to welsh so these ladies were quite surprised when she told them quite fluently what they could do with the groceries in this shop and that she would go elsewhere for her shopping.

And in case your wondering no we didn't have a wonderful time so stop playing that damned song!

Last edited by Less; 02-04-2022 at 17:20.
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