Originally Posted by Less
In the other thread you asked a question:-
That said to me that you were interested.
So I explained what the problem was, now you know the answer and how to solve the problem, I hope you will at least try to improve your quoting otherwise all the help and encouragement from Margaret and any others will be have wasted.
Just try that's all I ask.

Many thanks Less, (genuinely), I am always willing to take notice of folk who know more than I do on a certain subject, I think part of my "problem"? may well be that although my long term memory is very good, I tend to lose track of something that I have only recently learned, I think that the medical definition is (Age) but as long as the old grey matter and the blood pump in my chest carries on and the missus and I stay mobile then I can put up with it.
Thank You and others, who are (trying), to help the not getting any younger, Luddite.