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Old 03-06-2023, 08:32   #4
Senior Member

Re: The Toplis Family.

[QUOTE=Bob Dobson;1272640]Recently I bought a quantitiy of old postcards which had been sent to Accrington people. . One jumped out at me . IT was sent from Lilian & Peter in Belgium to 'Dear Mother' - Mrs A Toplis12 Woodside Rd Huncoat. and was dated 1951. Maybe Mrs Toplis was the mother of Irene Toplis who I went out with when we were both about 16 . She was at Hyndburn Park School and I was at the Grammar School. I would like to find a family member who might like to have this card. There are no Toplis' in the phone directory now. I'd like to know also what Mrs Toplis' maiden name was and what became of Irene, now aged 80 /81

Hello Bob, did Irene Toplis have a younger brother called Jimmy who also went I believe to Hyndburn Park School in the late 50s/early 60s ?
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