Hi,been a while since I've been here.
Something peaked my interest reading a newspaper article today.Aparently a new health check is being introduced country wide to millions of people over the age of forty.It will be online and will check things like blood pressure,height,weight etc.
This,we are told is to ease the pressure on GP's.
Now don't get me wrong,GP's can do a wonderful job,BUT will somebody explain to me what pressure most GP's are under, when you can't get an appointment to see them, they are present at surgery's fewer and fewer hours each week,appointments are held over the phone,passed onto practice nurses etc,etc.Not to mention the exorbitant money we pay them.
Thank God,as a mere mortal with umpteen health issues, cost of living problems, gas/ electric price hikes and many,many more problems that life throws out at us, that I don't have the pressure of a GP in Britain today.
What do you all think?