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Old 29-06-2023, 15:52   #2
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Over worked doctors ?

Recently I have had more need to have medical involvement in my life.
Not for me, but for my other half.
He had open heart surgery back in November.
On discharge from hospital he was given a letter that the GP also received.
It was to book a post op check up with a GP and had been recommended to be done two weeks after discharge.
The hoops I had to leap through to get an appointment were truly epic.
I was told that he did not need a GP appointment but a telephone consultation with the pharmacist.
This pharmacist was going to talk to us about meds that had NOT been prescribed by the GP at the practice, but by the cardiology surgeon.
When he phoned it was clear that this was the wrong person to be speaking to.
The pharmacist was the person who eventually managed to get an appointment.

My other half has had multiple health problems since his surgery and each time I have needed to rely on other health professionals to assist us getting an appointment.
I could tell you more but I won’t bore you.

I worked in the NHS for thirty years…I have to say that no longer inspires me with any confidence.
Least of all in emergency situations.
What is the answer?
Well train more Doctors. That would be a start…but obviously it is going to be several years before they emerge as qualified practitioners.
Did you know that the BMA put caps on the numbers of students who could undertake medical degrees?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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