Thread: End of an era
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Old 01-10-2023, 17:11   #1
Senior Member

End of an era

After growing our own fruit and veg for many, many, years, turning over the land that is half the size of a football field by hand every year; will sadly be no more after this year, no more posts on the allotment about bumper crops of spuds, Onions, apples, Strawberries, Tomatoes etc, I am going to settle down to a life of reading the Daily Mail, doing numerous crossword puzzles in an attempt to at least keep the (old) two ounces of grey matter functioning and to enjoy more than a pint or two of real ale every day.
After Hazel, plus our oldest daughter, (who has our power of attorney) and myself visited a solicitor a few weeks ago to discuss our demise, the main thing that that I stipulated in my will was that I required a reversible coffin, so that if, (hopefully), I die first please put me on my back and when Hazel follows me the powers that be can put her face down in the same coffin and then turn it over, (plus), "PLEASE", make the coffin an extra foot or so longer in order to take a small barrel of "Hobgoblin" in case I waken up. (if it was good enough for the ancients then it will do me. The solicitor, a young lass with a sense of humour, said before we left, I cannot promise you anything but I will certainly remember you asking.
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