Re: End of an era
Taddy are you giving up the allotment?
It may be that you can no longer do the planting and the picking, but wouldn't it be a lovely place to go and spend time just 'being'. Nature is a great healer, though | know that it cannot restore us to our younger more vibrant selves.
We all have to accept the limitations that our advancing years put on us...but I just cannot see you doing word puzzles or watching daytime TV.
Taddy the outdoors is in your DNA...if you can spend time reflecting in the place that gave you so much...then do it.
I wish both you and Hazel many more happy years above the grass.
Tomorrow me and my old feller will make it to our 57th Anniversary...and they said it would never last!
There have been times over the last year that I doubted we would get there.
look after yourself Taddy
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)