Thread: End of an era
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Old 11-10-2023, 11:57   #7
Senior Member

Re: End of an era

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
im so sorry taddy xx maybe a couple of pots on the window sill ... and a couple of tomato plants with a sunflower in the middle?

put your feet up and rest up .. and enjoy the birds singing .. though at the minute this afternoon the pigeons were scrapping with the jackdaws and a single magpie ... the magpie won!!! maybe birdwatcher extrordinaire taddy ...
A couple of years ago we received a letter from Hynburn council stating that they had received a complaint from, (it could only have been our next door neighbours), that the birds in our garden were; Quote, "singing and tweeting to loudly". This of course was like showing a bull a red flag.
I immediately built and erected a three partition sparrow nesting box, a single nesting box with a slightly larger entrance hole for Great Tits, two other boxes with only a 1inch hole for Blue Tits; plus a half open fronted box for Robins and a smaller half fronted box for Wrens, the last two were hidden in the foliage of Clematis bushes that cover the drystone wall that surrounds our back garden; plus Blackbirds have nested in the same Clematis for many years, guess what ? when springtime arrives the birdsong is magical. (Nuff Said), Bill Oddie, who is he when he is at home?
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