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Old 19-11-2023, 14:11   #48
Senior Member

Re: Suella Braverman

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1275654]The argument for proportional representation is that it would level out the playing field for those lesser parties…not the big two….the lines between these two parties is much less clearly defined than at any other time in the past.
But there are still those who would vote for a monkey if it dressed in the colours of the party they support regardless of their manifesto…we saw that with a certain MP for Hyndburn….all that promise that was wasted.

Oh yes, Manifesto’s….they are not to be trusted are they?

Taddy, I was taught that it was important to vote too….but there have bern times when I have walked down to the polling station and written on my ballot paper ‘none of the above’…or something similar.
This means I have wasted my vote, but I have attended and as much as I can have shown my disappointment with the candidates.

Marge, I have finally come across a paper that I knew that I had but could never find it, it states, and I am quoting as I am reading it, the writer "Francis Ween" described the 1970s as the "Golden age of British Paranoia"
When a number of right-wing Military figures, angry about trade union militancy, began building "civil defence groups, which it was feared were effectively private armies.
In a 2006 BBC documentary, former Army and security officials talked cheerfully about having urged a military takeover of this country.
This was after the Daily Mirror owner Cecil King called a meeting of establishment luminaries, in which he called for the elected government to be replaced by an administration led by Lord Mountbatten, who present at the meeting but refused and the conspiracy went nowhere.
I had heard about this conspiracy myself in the 1970s from mates who joined the Army and later from workmates who were Ex Squaddies'.
If Sir Stammer's, lefties (yes I meant that spelling mistake), ever come to power, The above (conspiracy?) could come to pass. (I will refrain from saying hopefully), let folk think into that as they will.
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