Re: Covid enquiry
Slowly, reluctantly, truth emerges even from paid propagandists.
This is a comment I found today on the Conservative Woman website from someone who, presumably, knows more than most of us about masks…
“…as ex-technical manager for a firm that sold face masks (mostly for clean rooms) I can offer the following face mask facts.
1. Sealed masks stop nothing but dust (and even then, imperfectly). They are useful only when using a power saw indoors, drilling into walls, knocking down an internal wall, etc. They should be worn for no longer than 15 minutes at a time, because they take inhaled CO2 up to beyond the 15 minute exposure limit (OES) for CO2. Exceeding this limit for any length of time can cause hypoxia (lowered oxygen levels in the blood), acidosis (low blood pH) and other ill-effects. Wearing sealed masks, such as N95, etc, for any substantial length of time is insane.
2. Unsealed masks, ie, the ones 99% of people were wearing during the 'pandemic', stop nothing except sputum. Surgical masks are worn to stop surgeons accidentally dropping spit on patients, or, partially, sneezing on them. That's all. Artificial ventilation in operating theatres helps keep staff oxygen levels up, but even wearing unsealed masks, including homemade efforts, raises inhaled CO2 to around the 8-hr exposure limit (OES). Unsealed masks are useless because air takes the path of least resistance, so exhaled and inhaled breath primarily enters through the gaps between the mask and the face. All they do is stop you sending spittle in people's direction. They don't even successfully stop you sneezing on people, as the droplet stream out of the sides of the mask. They just have more time to get out of the way.
None of these masks stop bacteria or virus-containing droplets, which can sail through the mask pores. One study I saw showed that unsealed masks reduced transmission by only 12% - in other words, they hardly worked at all. Sealed masks may slow transmission more, but everyone in a population of sealed mask wearers would still become infected/ It would just take longer. More importantly, they are unwearable for any length of time (more than 15 mins) without, as I said, raising CO2 to dangerous levels.”