Thread: Covid enquiry
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Old 30-11-2023, 12:43   #20
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Covid enquiry

Much of what you have posted Exile….I mentioned way back when all the scientific evidence against the use of masks was removed from the internet.

I remember clearly being told that I should not post this stuff…that I was being irresponsible in telling people that masks were not just useless…they were dangerous.

There are currently some worrying reports about ‘White Lung Syndrome’….this is fibrosis of the lungs…it is incurable and it is possible that this could be caused by inhaled fibres from masks.
All masks carried warnings that this was a possibility, that fibres from masks could be inhaled.

I never wore a mask and I did get COVID, but this was not until December 2021…it was a very mild illness and I have gone to work feeling worse than that with a winter cold.

This enquiry is a waste of time and money….and it is OUR money.
It will solve nothing, it will just be a gravy train for the lawyers.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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