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Old 18-03-2024, 00:23   #35
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Re: Artificial Intelligence

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I am not sure any job will be safe from AI.
Aren’t, robots programmed using AI?
Artificially intelligence is something that can be incorporated into many aspects of our life….as such it should be considered something of a threat.
Maybe AI has attributes that COULD be used for good, but it also has many more that could harm us.(that is just my opinion on how I see it at present)

Restless you asked ChatGPT to interpret lyrics of a song and it did, but it did not tell you anything that you did not already know….so it added nothing to your knowledge.All it did was spit out the obvious.
Yes. It did spit out the obvious and I am not sure if you're actually downplaying the significance of deciphered the meaning. The ai stuff is in its early days. I think it is pretty impressive

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