Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I don’t mean the individual buns have been on the shelves but that they have been on sale
in packs since Christmas.
Nothing beats a freshly made product.
Clearly I have caused some confusion so I will clarify. When I originally posted I was more than slightly p***ed off having failed to get several items from my shopping list, having been soaked by a cloud burst in the car park, and having been 'attacked' by a holiday maker who had not read the highway code and was obviously unaware that adding a caravan extends the length of their vehicle. I really needed to vent my spleen!
I was referring to packs of buns, the 'supermarket' lost its bakery, fishmonger, meat counter and deli some years ago so everything in those catagories are now limited to prepared and packed items. So I would not have expected to find 'freshly baked' buns. However it seemed totally stupid to have had packs of buns on shelves since Christmas (in the bread section) and a big temporary rack of them in the foyer for several weeks and then to have none anywhere a couple of days before easter.