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Old 25-11-2024, 12:55   #9
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

What a surprise.
Never Here Keir on ITV telling us that he is not listening. That ‘this not how we do things’ -he knows that a minority of the electorate voted in a majority of Labour MPs. That just shows that the voting system does not support democracy.

They promised Change, economic stability and growth.
Then they increase NI contributions. Very clever!
How does that encourage employers to take on workers?
Inflation is rising.
They have taken the winter Fuel Allowance from pensioners and tried to tell us that the uplift in April will be compensation for this.
In the meantime fuel costs go up twice and the goverment have given councils the green light to raise council tax by 5%.
The capped buss fares are going up a quid too…and this is supposed to be the party that supports the worker, the ordinary man
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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