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Old 28-02-2025, 21:41   #50
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Re: End of the Forum?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
It is only a slow forum because there are no posters anymore.

Kestrel x you had some pretty contentious views.
They polarised people on the forum, but forums need posters who can have differences, otherwise it is sterile, there is no jousting.
There is a good amount of posting traffic on the Stanley side. Not all of those who no longer visit have gone to ‘Facebook in the sky’.

But if there is no discussion then there is no reason to visit, nothing to see

I have continued to visit and I have tried to stimulate discussion, with very little success.
Eventually you lose the heart to post.
I do not do X, Instagram, Facebook, or WhatsApp. They do not hold any interest for me.

And if you were offended by posters on here then I feel very sure you would be offended by what you find on these sites you consider ‘faster’.

You might ask me how I know this…well there is enough in the news about the nastiness on these sites.
Instagram has a lot of animal cruelty on it that comes up randomly and a lot of weird A.I. created content of horror. You don't have to search for it, just seems to come up. Which isn't good for younger minds that only know online content. Accy Web is fairly tame by comparison. Also you don't get personally insulted on there as it's different format.

Yes there was a lot more people contributing to general information than today, that was over 10 years ago. But there is some useful information on here about the history of the area.
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