Re: Gypsies/travellers
For about 6 weeks every summer I live in a caravan. The caravan is in a farmer's field. We have a tap for drinking water. Of course we create rubbish, but we act responsibly and put our rubbish into bags and deliver it to a designated area from where the council refuse department collect it. We pay an annual fee for the privilege of staying in that field. When we leave, we leave the field and surrounding area exactly as we found it.
One summer we were invaded by undesirables. They camped about six inches from my windbreak and actually blocked the opening which we walk through to get out! They helped themselves to things from the farm yard and to the steps from our caravan to build a barbeque on! When they left (following a dispute with other campers) they left an area of rubbish about the size of a six man tent!
Several families and individuals camp in that field every summer on a regular basis, other people come and go as a one-off. The difference with this family and the rest of us is the same as the difference between the lot who set up camp on the Aldi car park and the old fashioned Romany Gipsies who were/are a proud and noble people. The people we object to are those who make life a misery for the rest of us. Their chosen way of life isn't the problem. It's the contempt with which they treat the rest of society. If I walked into someone's house, lived there for a while, ate their food and left the house full of rubbish wouldn't they have a right to complain? If on the other hand I rent a room at a B&B, pay for my bed and breakfast and leave the place clean and tidy there would be no problem. THAT is the difference.