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Old 26-03-2005, 22:50   #45
Graham Jones
I am Banned

Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by chav1
as someone who STAYED in accrington and has watched our town get dragged down the gutter by theives , gypsies, imigrants and so called asylum seekers i recomend he comes back for a day just to see how far up sh1t creek accrington is because of these people and hyndburn bourough councils incompitance
Has thieving gone up??? We have as many gypsies as 30 years ago and they more often than not use one of the 7 sites in Hyndburn. Those that blight bradshaw street/foxhill bank etc.. are not gypsies but new age travellers mostly and they have always blighted Hyndburn when they land.

There are I think 2 asylum seekers in Hyndburn. Do you mean immigrants and do you really mean to many asians/pakistanis but daren't say it?

Going over to another country, telling them their laws are wrong [land laws, building laws in Spain/everywhere else] opening their food shops [chip shops and johns smiths pubs serving cheap sh1t], refusing to accept the countries customs who have allowed you to come there [Costa del fish n chips 'n' John Bull]. Living seperate lives and not intergrating [New South Wales to La to Spain, there's a corner of England/Britain everywhere???!!]. Having their own language and TV Channels like Sky in Europe ... expecting foreigners in their country to speak english [DO Y-O-U SPEAK ENGLISH?].... trashing everywhere we visit in europe ... er...having the cheek to fly our flags in everyone else's country... oh yes union jacks and st georges across 5 continents... pricing the locals out of their homes and towns without a thought... sneering at people in their own country like their thick and with superiorority complex....
your right Chav1... bloody immigrants .... send the buggers back....
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