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Old 18-04-2005, 14:10   #1
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Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?

My immeadiate reaction on hearing of this incident in yesterday's marathon was to ask the question "Whatever happened to the Rule of Law?". Irrespective of the event or who you are, peeing in the street is an offence, normally punishable by a fine. Although a constable has the power of discretion, I simply do not see why she was not nicked there and then, especially given the fact the marathon route was lined with hundreds of portaloos.

Although the concensus of opinion is very much in favour of the marathon, nevertheless for local residents along the route - especially those such as myself who are forced into vacating their properties on race day - the event is an annual nightmare to be avoided at all costs, as the great unwashed hoards of screaming kids, drunken louts, half-wit grandparents and their ill-mannered, obnoxious offspring descend into the locality

It has therefore occured to me that the London Mararthon, as such, should cease to exist and in it's place should be a British Marathon, held in a different location each year. As a starter, why not the Lancashire Marathon, encompassing towns such as Accy, so that everyone will get the opportunity to view that delighful millionairess, Mrs Radcliffe, dropping her strides and peeing on Blackburn Road.

Who is in favour of this magnificent sporting event gracing the streets of Accy?

Last edited by Tealeaf; 18-04-2005 at 14:18.
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