Re: HBC And The Proposed Housing Stock Transfer.
wow >>>> good replies.
The street i live on is the only one in the area which has not been developed since they was built (exterior i mean), from the outside all the houses look like they have been fired. I have my front wall splattered in paint from the last tennant as well as the front door ! these were promised to be rectified before i moved in. Im still waiting (moved in last October). Ive now been told to live with it as they have no money. We are inundated with rats and fly-tippers (yes, that was me in the papers last week by the way), lol. After sending HBC a letter telling them to clean the area i live in and giving them 6 weeks notice the only way i could get action was by going to the press. Mind you got to admit that what made me snap was the day i came home from hospital my cats had missed me so much they all fetched a rat home for me ! >>> stunned but still alive (well not for long).
I agree with the cowboy council workmen but just got to admit in defence, some of the lads do know what they are doing.