Re: wacky races for formula 1
Remember 1994 Imola: Left one real gent of formula one dying in a hospital bed due to the beaurocrats trying to impose the impossible on the teams. Bear in mind it is not Bernie Eccleston & his cronies who take the risk of slamming into concrete at 200mph +. They have brought a stupid rule in to try & up the image of motorsport but made a bad descision, they are human after all but won't admit it. The teams invest millions in design & actual racing & also line Mr E's pocket at the same time. It is not him that would face a lawsuit as the Williams team did with the Italian authorities if anyone had died after Mitchelin clearly admitted they got compounds etc wrong & made clear the implications if teams ran on their tyres. He could have easily put things right before the race, negotiations were going on on Saturday, but stuck to the rules are rules & must take the consequences for his descision not to back down on a clearly dangerous & life threatening law. Funny how it didn't happen at Le Man or at other motor sports events innit.
Last edited by big al; 20-06-2005 at 23:01.