Re: If I knew then what I know now...
Wouldn't it be wonderful if everybody could choose a profession or job that made them happy? But life is not like that. In most cases, one has to get their head down and get on with what is available in the workplace and wait and hope that something crops up that will lead to better things. On leaving school in the forties it was either the mill or the pit, and I chose the pit, because it paid more money.I hated it , but coming from a large family money was the premium. My get out was joining the Royal Navy, where I was taught a trade, and served for twelve years. On my release I was a fully quallified aircraft electrician, and worked for BAC before moving on to other things, and ended my working owning the local chippy. I've loved every bit of my life since getting out of the pit, and would not change a day of it. So Mel,where ever you start your working career, and even if you don't like what you are doing, opportunities will arise, and you will need to grab them with both hands. Best of luck in whatever you chose to do, and be happy.