Originally Posted by simon
When my Father was dying of very advanced cancer a few years ago, I personally at NO stage felt like letting go of my dad, but that was selfish thinking on my part, I feel that my dad would have taken the option of euthanasia if it was available about 2wks before his "Natural ???" death, During that last time period he was in real pain, he had a pump attached to him to administer morthine(?) and also patches of morthine(?) to apply to the skin. He got to the stage that he did not want any of us to go into the room with him, because he could see the pain it caused us to see him like that. And lets face it at that stage we all, including my dad, where waiting for his death.
So I think that under such circumstances it would be kind to all concerned to say goodbye with dignity.
My grandad was like that & lying in hospice knowing he was going anyway but had to await the cancer to seal it first bless him he given up smoking & drink when he was diagnosed but while in his last day or so he sodded it & had some beers & his favourite pipe with his family around him & passed away shortly after, i think he felt better for doing it.