Re: Euthanasia.
Euthanasia is such a hard subject to tackle and find answers too. In an idel world there would be no pain and suffering and death would come to us all peacefully as we sleep but it's not an ideal world is it.
People of sound mind being able to make their own informed choice of when to die I totally, unreservedly agree with. I have always said if I was diagnosed with a debilatating illnes or the dreaded cancer, when it got too much i would honestly do the job of ending my own life whilst I was still able. Yes I fear death but not as much as I fear the suffering many people have to endure.
The problems arise when other people have to make the choice of when somebodies 'time was up'? Families find it hard to make the devastating decision to turn a persons life support machines off when the person is already pronounced clinically dead. Could you imagine having to bring about the death of a family member? If it was a family decision what would happen if one family member didn't agree?