i see suicide and euthanasia as two seperate things where as suicide i see as ending a perfectly healthy life where their is hope and euthanasia as to end a life where there is no hope
i would never promote suicide but as for euthanasia i think you should be allowed to end your own life if you choose to regardless of what anyone else thinks its your life and if you dont want to suffer then you shouldnt have to regardless of what religeion says about suicide and going to hell it should be up to the individual
rather than rot in a hospital bed with terminal cancer for example i would live my life as best i could until i could bare it no more and hope i had the strenghth left to do myself in when the time came , you may not agree with it but its my life and that is all that should matter
most of the people who harp on about how bad euthanasia is either dont have terminaly ill friends or family or have never been in a situation where their life was in tha balance , believe me when you get diagnosed with a serious disease you will consider things like what if its terminal how painfull will my death be etc no matter who you are and if after all the treatments the NHS has to offer fail then you should be able to end your missery before you die an agonising and in some cases an undignified death
i have seen a family member die with terminal cancer and i have seen people on the hospital wards with terminal cancer and my choice in their position would to be dead before things got that bad
i also think that those who choose to suffer should be able to do so but for those who want to skip the messy ending there should be laws to allow them to do so
sorry to anyone here who may have family or friends with cancer for using cancer as an example but cancer is a big part of my familys lives and my own personal life , i was lucky enough to not be terminaly ill but if i had been i would have liked to have had an option to bail out before the end
ok thats my 2 cents