Thread: Firewire card
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Old 10-03-2006, 14:51   #1
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Firewire card

I got myself a Trust firewire 800 DV PCI kit. And it is supposed to be compatible with winXP.

I fit the card very easily and every thing seemed to work ok but when I try to turn the computer off I get a fatal error and windows reboots it’s self. After the reboot I am told by windows that I have a worm/torsion which effects winlogin or something like that. So I then ran several virus scans but nothing was found.
I decided to remove the firewire card and see what that does and having removed the card my windows shut down ran without any problems.
It looks like the firewire card interferes with the shutdown process anyone any ideas how to cure this?

Trust 800DV PCI kit

Last edited by Len; 10-03-2006 at 14:57.
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