Originally Posted by katex
And I acknowledged you were banned from coming to the shows. Because many in the society do actually believe you are biased, coming from the Ossy Players group. Also, Oliver was a sell out every night, so you werent given the opportunity to have a ticket.
Reverting back to the original thread, as a member of both groups, can I just point out that the reason the Theatre Group chose Oiver is that they could not cast their original choice >> and this was not the Buddies production. The Buddies and Oliver obtained bookings mearly on the backs of attendances by the parents, schools, friends etc., purely because there are young people involved with a large cast, and not due initially on the merit of its productions, albeit they are always extemely noteworthy.
The theatre group are well aware of this.
As we have discussed before, you have to accept criticism and Gayle's
was constructive from which you should take note and learn, upsetting I know, but you definitely improve on the point the next time >>> I certainly did try (I hope).
Also, there is a very wide gap between the way dialogue is handled in plays as against musicals ... so Ossie Players are offering their experience in an entirely different area here.
Anyway folks, the Theatre Group's next production should help their coffers ... The Full Monty ! (although not quite as full as you may anticipate) .. so get your tickets early..

Correct, It is the Full Monty. But as a member of the society. I think you should know that its all still supposed to be a bit 'hush hush'. And there is time to change shows yet, as Camelot was last years original show, but was changed at a later date to Oliver. So you never know with Accy Theatre Group, they may just change their mind last minute. And therefore Full Monty shouldnt be really advertised that much