Originally Posted by jaysay
I would just like to make a point on the matter of benefit and pension payment referred to by Mez. I was informent some time ago when dealing with my mothers pension by the Ministry of Work and Pensions that the Government contract with the Post Office to pay benefits and pensions is coming to an end and will not be renewed. It is not the Post Office, for whatever reason, pulling out of the deal. It has long been the intention of the Government to have all benefits paid into bank accounts irrespective of any inconvenience it may cause to the elderly and disabled, not actually listening to the people are they.
Actually the contract for the Post Office Card Accounts is with Citibank. It was originally to run to 2010 I think. But as they screwed up so much it isn't being renewed. It was also short term to allow people 5 years to get a bank account sorted.