Originally Posted by KIPAX
Sorry but there only convincing if your daft enough to fall for them... Ebay state quite clearly that they do not send out such emails so any you recieve should be ignored. If people don't read ebay notices and are not savvy enough to know a spoof email then should they really be using services that require sensative info.. I think not 
When I first signed up for ebay within a couple of hours I got an e.mail that looked like any other "welcome to ebay" mail. This one said there was a problem and that I should re-send my bank/address details within 48hrs or they would presume me to be fraudulent and terminate my account. Considering I had not given any bank details in the 1st place I did reply giving my name and address only, I realised later this could have been a scam, but at that time I had the same attitude as KIPAX, that anyone falling for these sometimes very slick operations was daft and had no savvy, but then again I'm just a mere mortal!