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Old 03-06-2006, 01:23   #10
God Member

Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Sorry entwisi, some don't spend as much time at a pc as you or even as me, simply because they don't understand anything about them or the internet other than whats been shown them or they've learned online from ppl like you. They learn what they need to know, to get on ebay for example, buy stuff with their card and thats all they want to know cos that's been difficult enough for them to take in. I knew nothing three years ago, didn't even know how to turn a pc on. I've learned and carried on learning, not methodically, just bits a bobs as and when needed or if it interests me to do so. My older brother still knows very little and filled one of these things in, my younger brother knows a lot more than I ever will, although I doubt if he knows as much you, lol.
I've not seen one laid out as good as that before, and I'm glad I've put this post on cos if it stops one person getting dupped, thats one less person hurt by the theiving scumbags.
Acc-y-web-web-web, push pineapple, shake the tree
Accy-web-web-web, push pineapple, grind coffee
To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees
Come and write every night, chat with a hula melody
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