Thread: self service
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Old 18-07-2006, 13:09   #9
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Re: self service

If you can use a PC, then an automated checkout is a piece of p**s. However, simply because of the space available in the checkout area, it is not a good idea to buy more than 10 or 12 items. The main problem areas are as follows:

1) Scanner fails to read - call the assistant!

2) Most items are prepacked with barcode. When you get loose items - e.g bananas - then you have to touch the screen, scroll down to the relevant piccy, touch and then weigh. The supermarkets are trying to keep loose items to a minimum, which means more packaging. I suppose that the checkout girls made redundant will end up working in Huncoat's state of the art recyling facility to deal with all this lot.

3) Red Label stuff (reduced price sell by date items). Nomally, the red label goes over the barcode....i.e. reduced from £1.99 to 10p...and the checkout girl removes the label and manually keys in the new price. I have not yet seen this reduced item prices on sale in auto checkouts.
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