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Old 18-07-2006, 14:34   #11
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Bejeweled Blitz Champion!
Re: all this mess at asda

The car park at Asda is a fiasco at the moment and the fruit and veg is universally bad whichever Asda you visit. I have given up going to Asda until they sort out the car park (don't tell my mum, she works there)..

I went to Tesco at Haslingden last week, the fruit and veg were much better, the car park was quiet and I managed to get all of my shopping whilst not spending any more than usual.

The best place for fruit and veg is Accy market, and that is where I go when I have the time. I got some lovely fresh cherries from the little stall on the inside market yesterday and they were the best I've tasted in a long time........Needless to say, I scoffed the lot..
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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