Originally Posted by slinky
Yes I had a lovely night. Limo came and picked me, Ginger, Tinerbelle, MTHEAD and another couple of my friends up at 7pm. We went to Agra in Hapton for a meal, where we were met by lots more friends. Afterwards the Limo came back and took us into town. Had a lovely night then ended up going shopping at ASDA with Mthead and Tinks lmao.......well we hadn't had enough beer so we went asda.
Dressed up in loads of clothes in ASDA which was very funny.. ( wonders if we are banned now)
Excellent night, great company.
I have the hang over from hell too!

'To travel in a limo' has now been ticked off my 'things to do before I'm 30' list
I was a weed again and oredered spring roast chicken.

At least this time the waiter didn't bring all the staff out to point and laugh at the only person not to order a curry!
After the ASDA tour, I walk up this morning thinking we'd been on TV. Starred in Reservoir Dogs and met the band Busted .......
Great night