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Re: Happy New Mosque
Originally Posted by slinky
Yes Pre-pubescent girls are allowed in. And saying that i have learnt more than you have?? Hmmm I did religious education as part of my GSCE's at school. I am well informed about different cultures and religions. But I'm not religious in anyway shape or form. I don't believe and that is my preference. But that doesn't mean I don't listen and am interested in other religions.
I did RE GCE 'O' level but it was a totally different curriculum in those days. We did touch briefly on other religions but mostly it seemed to be about different denominations within Christianity and analysing who wrote the different books of the Bible so I'm always willing and eager to learn more about others when I can. Maybe that was because we didn't have many immigrants with other religions living here back in those days. My girls find it quite amusing when I discover something I've never heard of before, or never had chance to find out much about and I go off exploring and investigating.
A group of teachers and governors (me included) were invited a little while back to Higher Antley St mosque to learn a bit more about what goes on there. I found it very interesting and was surprised at how simple the 'procedure' is to become a muslim but didn't think to ask about girls because it never entered my head, especially as the class in there memorising verses from the Quran were all boys. It's never even occurrd to me to ask any muslims who I know because it never even dawned on me. One muslim friend and her daughter have never set foot in a mosque as far s I know, doing prayers at home, while the husband attended mosque. So thanks for that extra information Slinky. I'm now inspired to try to find out more.