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Old 24-01-2007, 13:55   #140
Resident Waffler

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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by spinner View Post
when someone was chatting about the jade shilpa row the other day the wor muslim was used negatively
I must have missed that. Unless it was the one that mani and I both laughed at because it was sooooooo funny!

You and mani are not the only Asians and I think the fact that people don't make an issue of anyone's ethnicity or whatnot has got to be a positive point. I mention my own beliefs as and when relevant and would enjoy discussing theirs with others because I'm always keen to learn and stand corrected when I've got some wrong preconceptions. Like for instance when slinky told me that young girls do attend mosque. I was totally unaware of that before. I thought that it was only the men who went to prayers at the mosque but I'd only based that assumption on my own experience and people I know.

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