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Old 24-01-2007, 15:23   #158
Foreign Correspondent

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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I get a bit like that when people ask me how many other wives my husband has - despite the fact that polygamy is illegal here.
Is it really any of their business?

I think that a personal question like that might well get a response from me something on the order of "Are you still seeing that your mistress/lover?" Or perhaps, "As he is very wise, far fewer than King Solomon!" This is especially useful if the person is just being deliberately insensitive or annoying. Milt Romney, who is Morman and, it appears, running for President answers "I’ve had only one. Ever wonder how many my Republican opponents have had?" As most of them have been divorced, it's a pretty solid answer.

If the "wives" question is asked by someone who is merely ignorant, then there is nothing personal in it and a bit of information should deal with it. I will admit, however, that it is often hard to tell whether someone is ignorant or is trying to annoy.

Before Eileen died, I had one wife for 27+ years. In my opinion, one wife is enough. On occasion, one is more than enough!

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