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Old 26-01-2007, 17:56   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
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Angry Exhaust Fumes Are To Blame

A report today states that the medical profession recognises that vehicle exhaust fumes are the main cause of asthma. The report goes on to suggest that vehicle exhaust fumes also stunt the growth of the lungs in the young.

This damning report considers that children living within 500 yards of a busy highway are the most at risk. Can I just pat myself on the back just this once because they have confirmed what I have been saying for years and had my words rammed down my throat as motorists tried to defend their polluting ways.

Now all you sanctimonious, bigoted, selfish, intolerant, hypocritical non-smokers who campaigned so vociferously against being forced to breathe in second hand tobacco fumes, are you going to launch a similar campaign against the infernal combustion engine? If not why not?
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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