Thread: ouch (Radio)
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Old 04-02-2007, 09:48   #12
Resident Waffler

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Re: ouch

Originally Posted by CASPER View Post
I do think that it is for the best that she finds out what cheating scum she is married to. What I objected to was the radio guy laughing and making money out of other peoples misfortunes. How many innocent people are hurt and humiliated by this? and I'm not referring to the cheaters.
I'm not sure there were any innocent people in this. The cheating husband certainly wasn't innocent. Perhaps the woman he was having the affair with didn't know he was married but I don't think the program made a fool of her. If she didn't know she may have been glad to find out so that she didn't waste any more time on him. So it was doing her a favour too. If she did know then she is just as guilty as him.

I have my suspicions that the whole thing could have been staged though. It sounds like it.

There are programs which set out to make fools of and humiliate innocent people just for a laugh and I agree with you that those are wrong. Even the 'candid camera' type things seem far more cruel these days than they used to be and I'm not sure they even bother getting permision to broadcast them now like they used to.

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