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Old 19-02-2007, 14:49   #13
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Re: 9/11 Cover up???

I watched the programme, and thought it was very balanced.

Most of the conspiracies were explained, and actual witnesses were interviewed, including the commercial pilot of the plane who they say must have shot down one of the planes, ansd relatives of Jewish victims, which dispelled the theory that it was all carried out by MOSAD, and that Jews were warned not to go to work that day.

If I was the relative of one of those killed this would upset me.

People can't seem to grasp that a handful of terrorists could inflict so much damage. They did, get over it.

The people at the forefront of the conspiracists seem as zealous as hicksville preachers, and to me just seem to want to make a name for themselves on the back of this tragedy.

When people don't understand why something has happened they always look for explanations elsewhere, be it in religion or conspiracy theories.

Sad, but human I suppose.
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