Originally Posted by katex
no parking application from Oak Street, off Blackburn Road going towards Rishton,
Can't help but feel sorry for the residents on the east side of this road where the parking restrictions are being applied for (although noticed in the last few weeks, no-one has parked on this side when I have been going to wokr).
Parking on both sides of Blackburn Road does narrow it; you have to stop to allow other cars in the opposite direction to get through, however, the application is for no parking 0800 > 1800 hrs Mon>Frid and no restrictions at weekend. Think during the week more of a nightmare than none at all !
Always wondering if you can get up and move your car before 8 a.m. and circling round after work until 6 p.m. Would take over a big part of your life methinks.
Anyone else with this problem ?