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Old 18-03-2007, 11:13   #1
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So where do you actually stand, politically?

Often what we say in debates on other threads can conflict with our actual views when we look at the general picture, at least it can with me.

I'm studying ideologies as a module in Politics at college and well, im really stuck trying to define where I should be.

I've used for several years now and my 'score' on there has certainly turned more left and liberal, although not to a great extent, its around the -1.00 mark.

Very presumptuous I know, but lets say I could be the Prime Minister, what economic path do you take?

You see I know my end goal, my end goal would be improving peoples lives, but how do you achieve the end goal? Do you have a freemarket economy, with a huge amount of weath in certain individuals, because of course, unless something huge happens in the world, a certain amount of money can lead to more happiness (in terms of ample food, living standards, quality of life) and these people can be taxed, or they could use their wealth to improve other peoples lives by self motivation like Bill Gates.

Or do you follow a socialist route, try and spread the wealth from the start, but there will inevitably be less wealth overall to spread due to lack of capitalists, in my opinion.

Then theres the whole liberalism aspect, do you allow people freedom to do what they want? Is that *really* sustainable? Can the western world really say honestly that they can prevent global warming through tax incentives? A possible solution would be much more state control to force people to do things to help reduce the effect.

I watched Comic Relief (whatever night it was on, i've had very little sleep )
Watching the video clips, how can we sit here knowing we have all this wealth and people are literally dieing. They can't help themselves out of the situation, im sure they'd love to, but they just can't do it themselves. My goal to improve peoples lives certainly can't end with the UK, I think it's wrong to be ignorant to other countries simply due to people saying 'What about our own people'.

On specific issues I tend to base it on what I think at the time and how things have happened in the past, using facts to try and create reasoned solutions, but overall, ideologically I have no idea where I stand, I have no idea what would be the best way politically to move to achieve my goal.
formerly cyfr

Last edited by andrewb; 18-03-2007 at 11:18.
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