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Old 20-04-2007, 22:12   #15
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Re: Hyndburn Sports Centre

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
when i where a lass they used to have attendants in the changing rooms who assisted you with anything you needed, you always saw them cleaning up, where did they dissapear to? yet another cutback in Hyndburn?
A couple of weeks ago my dad had his locker broken into at the sports centre.The theives took all his clothes out and dumped everything in the toilets,after removing his wallet and keys of course.Thankfully he did not have his credit cards in there as he learnt his lesson with that one last year when he got pick-pocketted in Tenerife.The locker did not appear to have been forced and my dad was sure he had locked it properly so the sports centre manager was up in arms panicking that someone had cracked the code to enter the lockers.People hanging about waiting to break into lockers....this is the kind of thing that would be less likely to happen with an attendant on duty.
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